The son of UVA alumnus and Senator Oscar Underwood, Oscar Underwood Jr. received his LL.B. from UVA in 1913. He was President of the Jefferson Society, editor of Corks and Curls, and a member of the Raven Society. Prior to joining the faculty at UVA, he had a distinguished legal career in Birmingham, Washington, D.C., and Paris. He served in Europe during World War I and rose to the rank of captain. After the war he joined the Washington, D.C. firm, Covington, Burling, and Rublee, before forming his own firm, Underwood and Kilpatrick, in 1926. During FDR’s first administration, he was appointed Commissioner for the United States for the General Claims Commission resolving claims between the United States and Mexico, where he served from 1934-37. He began his UVA teaching career as a guest lecturer in Wills in 1939. Underwood joined the full-time faculty at UVA in 1940, when he began teaching courses in Procedure, Federal Jurisdiction, Office Practice, Equity Pleading, International Law, Evidence, Contracts, and Trial Practice. Underwood retired in 1950 and wrote in his farewell letter, “I hope that I shall see my faculty associates often at my home…But I shall miss the students. To me the students were always more interesting than the books.” He died in 1962.
Appeals in the Federal Practice from Collateral Orders, 36 Va. L. Rev. 731-740 (1950).
Review of McBaine, Cases and Materials on Civil Procedure, 2d ed., 28 Va. L. Rev. 125 (1941).
Review of Pound, Appellate Procedure in Civil Cases, 28 Va. L. Rev. 1175-1176 (1942).
Review of Osborn, Questioned Document Problems, 45 Colum. L. Rev. 672-673 (1945).
Review of Tracy, The Successful Practice of Law, 34 Va. L. Rev. 494-495 (1947).
© by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia