When John B. Minor reached the age of seventy in 1890, the Board of Visitors allowed him to hire a assistant to aid in his teaching. His son, John B. Minor, Jr., served in this position for two years, followed by Minor’s second son, Raleigh Colston Minor, who became an assistant in the School of Common and Statute Law in 1893. Minor received three degrees from UVA—the B.A. in 1887, M.S. in 1888, and LL.B. in 1890. He practiced law in Richmond for three years before joining the UVA faculty. From 1895-99 he served as an adjunct professor before becoming full professor, his position from 1899-1923. Minor taught criminal law, criminal procedure, and real property. He served as acting dean from 1907-08. He died in 1923.
Minor authored numerous law review articles and seven books, the first of which he published at the young age of twenty-five. Four years later, he followed this first book, An Analytical Abstract of Greenleaf on Evidence, with a second one, Law of Tax Titles in Virginia. He gained greater notice from his 1901 book Conflict of Laws; or Private International Law, published by Little, Brown of Boston. In 1908 Minor established his reputation as an expert on real property with his publication of the Law of Real Property, a two-volume treatise. Raleigh Minor expanded his interest in the field of international law during World War I, delivering papers before the American Society of International Law during that time. This led to his 1918 publication of A Republic of Nations, which advocated a union of nations in order to avoid further wars.
Analytical Abstract of Greenleaf on Evidence and Prof. Gilmore’s Notes on Greenleaf (Anderson Bros., 1894).
The Law of Tax Titles in Virginia (Anderson Bros., 1898).
Conflict of Laws; or, Private International Law (Little, Brown, 1901).
The Law of Real Property (Based on Minor’s Institutes) (Anderson Bros., 1908).
The Law of Real Property (Based on Minor’s Institutes) (with John Wurts) (West, 1910).
Notes on the Science of Government and the Relations of the States to the United States (Anderson Bros., 1913).
A Republic of Nations: A Study of the Organization of a Federal League of Nations (Oxford University Press, 1918).
Effect of Devise of Wife’s Separate Estate upon Curtesy, 1 Va. L. Reg. 651-654 (1896).
Adversary Possession – A Reply, 3 Va. L. Reg. 843-848 (1898).
Dangers of Second Marriages, 4 Va. L. Reg. 71-76 (1898).
“Dying Without Issue” in Virginia, 4 Va. L. Reg. 804-812 (1899).
The Graduating Examination in the Law School, 7 Va. L. Reg. 468-475 (1901).
Conflict of Laws – Substance or Obligation of Contract Distinguished from Remedy, 16 Harv. L. Rev. 262-271 (1903).
The Proposed Income Tax Amendment to the Federal Constitution, December 19, 1909, 15 Va. L. Reg. 737-754 (1910).
The Citizenship of Individuals, or of Artificial Persons (such as Corporations, Partnerships, and So Forth) for Whom Protection Is Invoked, 4 Am. Soc’y Int’l L. Proc 62-77 (1910).
Centralization Versus Decentralization, 24 Va. St. B. Ass’n Rep. 193-212 (1911).
Curtesy, a Prolongation of the Wife’s Inheritance, 1 Va. L. Rev. 19-43 (1913).
The Influence of Federal Unions on the Peace of the World, 2 Va. L. Rev. 311-326 (1915).
The Rules of Law Which Should Govern the Conduct of Submarines with Reference to Enemy and Neutral Merchant Vessels and the Conduct of Such Vessels Toward Submarines, 10 Am. Soc’y Int’l L. Proc 51-60 (1916); reprinted in 3 Va. L. Rev. 573-582 (1916).
Conditions of Permanent World Peace, 4 Va. L. Rev. 273-287 (1917).
International Organization: Constitution of a Legislative Body, 11 Am. Soc’y Int’l L. Proc 56-64 (1917); reprinted in 4 Va. L. Rev. 601-611 (1917).
Procedure by Default in Supreme Court Against Defendant States, 6 Am. Soc’y for Jud Settlement Int’l Disp. Proc. 9-24 (1916); reprinted in Geo. L.J., Feb. 1917, at 8-17.
May Congress Constitutionally Prohibit Alien Enemies to Vote at Federal Elections?, 5 Va. L. Rev. 412-418 (1918).
A Republic of Nations, 6 Rice Inst. Pamphlet 263-274 (1919).
A Problem in Remainders, 7 Va. L. Rev. 155-157 (1920).
The Virginia Bench, 1 Alumni Bull. U. Va. 5-8 (1894).
Address, 1914-15 Y.B. N.Y. S. Soc’y 33-47.
© by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia