A native of Ontario, Hetherington received an A. B. from Dartmouth in 1950, LL.B. from Cornell in 1953, and LL.M. from Berkeley in 1956. He joined the Virginia law faculty in 1971 after eleven years on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin School of Law. While in law school he was managing editor of the Cornell Law Review, and before beginning his teaching career, he clerked for Chief Judge William Denman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and practice law for three years in New York City. He was a visiting professor at Berkeley and Stanford Law Schools and in 1985 was Marshall P. Madison Professor at the University of San Francisco. During the 1988-89 academic year, he was a visiting professor at Hastings College of Law in San Francisco and then at UCLA. Hetherington taught in the fields of commercial transactions, corporations, and contracts. He was the author of a number of articles on corporation law dealing with publicly-held corporations, and more extensively on the problems of closely-held firms.
Herrington died in 2006.
Mutual and Cooperative Enterprises: An Analysis of Customer-Owned Firms in the United States (University Press of Virginia, 1991).
The Minority’s Duty of Loyalty in Close Corporations, 1972 Duke L.J. 921-946.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Stockholders and the Law, 2 J. Contemp. Bus. 45-61 (1973).
Business Law Developments (with Michael P. Dooley), in Fifth Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar V-1 to V-25 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1974).
Recent Developments, in Seventh Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar VI-1 to VI-16 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1976).
Recent Developments in Business Organizations Law, in Eighth Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar VI-1 to VI-15 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1977).
Illiquidity and Exploitation; A Proposed Statutory Solution to the Remaining Close Corporation Problem (with Michael P. Dooley), 63 Va. L. Rev. 1-75 (1977).
When the Sleeper Wakes: Reflections on Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights, 8 Hofstra L. Rev. 183-255 (1979).
Current Developments in the Law of Close Corporations, in Eleventh Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar V-1 to V-23 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1980).
Redefining the Task of Corporation Law, 19 U.S.F. L. Rev. 229-260 (1985).
Defining the Scope of Controlling Shareholders’ Fiduciary Responsibilities, 22 Wake Forest L. Rev. 9-40 (1987); reprinted in 13 Can.-U.S. L.J. 103-134 (1988).
Bargaining for Fiduciary Duties: Preserving the Vulnerability of the Disadvantaged?, 70 Wash. U. L.Q. 341-352 (1992).
Summer Workshop Aids Faculty Development (with Ernest A. E. Gellhorn), Va. L. Wkly., Mar. 30, 1973, at 1, 3; reprinted in 24 Va. L. Wkly. Dicta 204-207 (1972-73).
The Unknown World of Mutual Business Enterprise, Va. L. Sch. Rep., Winter 1987, at 13-16.
Liberty Fund, Inc. Symposium on the First Amendment and Securities Regulation (with others), 20 Conn. L. Rev. 383-477 (1988).
Appreciation of Tom Bergin, 78 Va. L. Rev. 813-815 (1992).
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