Before retiring in 2012, Michael Dooley taught corporations, corporate financial transactions, mergers and acquisitions, and contracts. He also served as chair of the Graduate Program Committee at the Law School.
At the University of Iowa Law School, Dooley was comment editor for the Iowa Law Review and a member of the Order of the Coif. After graduation, he practiced law in New York City with Dewey Ballantine Bushby Palmer & Wood. He left practice in 1968 to teach at the University of Illinois, then joined the faculty at the Law School in 1972.
Dooley served on the legal advisory committee of the New York Stock Exchange from 1991-95. He was a member of the American Bar Association's committees on corporate laws and corporate practice, and served on the Virginia Bar Association Corporate Code Task Force, the ABA Task Force on Executive Compensation, and an ad hoc committee on the American Law Institute Corporate Governance Project. Dooley was chair of the business law section of the American Association of Law Schools. He drafted a new derivative suit statute for the Virginia Stock Corporation Act, which took effect in July 1992. He became a reporter for the ABA's Model Business Corporation Act in 1996.
Dooley died in 2014.
Fundamentals of Corporation Law (Foundation Press, 1995).
A Practical Guide for Corporate Directors (National Association for Corporate Directors, 1996).
The Effects of Civil Liability on Investment Banking and the New Issues Market, 58 Va. L. Rev. 776-843 (1972).
Illiquidity and Exploitation: A Proposed Statutory Solution to the Remaining Close Corporation Problem (with J.A.C. Hetherington), 63 Va. L. Rev. 1-75 (1977).
Enforcement of Insider Trading Restrictions, 66 Va. L. Rev. 1-83 (1980).
Controlling Giant Corporations: The Question of Legitimacy, in Corporate Governance – Past and Future 28-45 (Henry G. Manne ed., K.C.G. Productions, 1982).
Genesis: Panel Response (with Donald E. Schwartz and Robert C. Clark), 8 Cardozo L. Rev. 681-707 (1987).
The First Amendment and the SEC: A Comment, 20 Conn L. Rev. 335-354 (1988).
The Role of the Board in Derivative Litigation: Delaware Law and the Current ALI Proposals Compared (with E. Norman Veasey), 45 Bus. Law. 503-542 (1989); reprinted in The American Law Institute Corporate Governance Project in Mid-passage: What Will it Mean to You? 45-87 (National Legal Center for the Public Interest, 1991).
Two Models of Corporate Governance, 47 Bus. Law. 461-527 (1992).
What Is Past Is Prologue: Major Issues in Business Law in the Next Century, 70 Temp. L. Rev. 1173-1176 (1997).
Some Comparisons Between the Model Business Corporation Act and the Delaware General Corporation Law (with Michael D. Goldman), 56 Bus. Law. 737-766 (2001).
Rules, Standards, and the Model Business Corporation Act, Law & Contemp. Probs., Winter 2011, at 45-55.
Business Law Developments (with John A.C. Hetherington), in Fifth Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar V-1 to V-25 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1974).
Developments in Federal Securities Regulation, in Seventh Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar VII-1 to VII-16 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1976).
Developments in Federal Securities Regulation, in Eighth Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar VII-1 to VII-13 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1977).
Have Delaware’s Incorporation Laws Set a Bad Example for Other States?, in The Attack on Corporate America: The Corporate Issues Sourcebook 145-149 (M. Bruce Johnson ed., McGraw-Hill, 1978).
Should Management’s Control of the Corporation Be Weakened and That of the Shareholder Strengthened?, in The Attack on Corporate America: The Corporate Issues Sourcebook 82-85 (M. Bruce Johnson ed., McGraw-Hill, 1978).
Securities Litigation (with John C. McCoid), Va. L. Sch. Rep., Summer 1979, at 5-7.
Developments in Federal Corporate Law and Securities Regulation, in Eleventh Annual Advanced Business Law Seminar IV-1 to IV-17 (Virginia State Bar and Virginia Bar Association, 1980).
Insider Trading and the Economics of Enforcement, Va. L. Sch. Rep., Summer 1981, at 13-16.
Liberty Fund, Inc. Symposium on the First Amendment and Securities Regulation (with others), 20 Conn L. Rev. 383-477 (1988).
Richard A. Merrill: A Faculty Perspective, Va. L. Sch. Rep., Summer 1988, at 9-10.
Defining a “Security,” in Basic Securities Law Seminar: Practice and Risk in a Complex Area II-1 to II-15 (Virginia Law Foundation, 1989).
Introduction to Securities Regulation, in Basic Securities Law Seminar: Practice and Risk in a Complex Area I-1 to I-13 (Virginia Law Foundation, 1989).
Tribute to Ernest L. Folk, III, 76 Va. L. Rev. 3-6 (1990); reprinted in Va. L. Sch. Rep., Winter 1990, at 27-28.
Not in the Corporation’s Best Interests, A.B.A. J., May 1992, at 45.
John A.C. Hetherington, 80 Va. L. Rev. 1197-1201 (1994).
Comment from an Enforcement Perspective, 50 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 319-323 (1999).
The Role of Corporate Litigation in the Twenty-first Century (panelist), 25 Del. J. Corp. L. 131-160 (2000).
Rush to Judgment (with Frank Balotti and Allen Goolsby), Daily Deal, May 21, 2003.
Rethinking Appraisal, Del. Law., Spring 2008, at 28.
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