A native of Trenton, New Jersey, Antonin Scalia received his A.B. from Georgetown University in 1957 and also studied at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He received his LL.B. in 1960 from Harvard, where he was a Sheldon Fellow and notes editor of the Law Review. After law school, he joined the Cleveland firm of Jones, Day, Cockley, and Revis until 1967, when he joined the faculty of UVA. With his primary interests in comparative law and private international law, Scalia taught Comparative Law, Commercial Transactions, Conflict of Law, Problems in U.S. Communication Policy, and Contracts. From 1971-74, he was on leave from UVA, first as general counsel in the Office of Telecommunications Policy for the Executive Office of the President from 1971-72, then as chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States from 1972-74. He became Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel from 1974-77. He was professor of law at the University of Chicago from 1977-82, along with several visiting appointments. In 1982, President Reagan nominated Scalia to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. During that time, Scalia was a visiting professor at UVA, as well as Georgetown and the American Enterprise Institute. He became Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1986, where he served until his death in 2016.
Sovereign Immunity and Nonstatutory Review of Federal Administrative Action: Some Conclusions from the Public-Lands Cases, 68 Mich. L. Rev. 867-924 (1970).
Appellate Justice: A Crisis in Virginia? (with Graham C. Lilly), 57 Va. L. Rev. 3-64 (1971).
The Hearing Examiner Loan Program, 1971 Duke L.J. 319-366.
Asymmetry Is an Unbalanced View, Center Mag., May/June 1973, at 38-39.
Broadcasting and the First Amendment: The Anatomy of a Constitutional Issue: Discussion (with others), Center Mag., May/June 1973, at 25-35, 40-46, 48-51, 54-61.
Procedural Aspects of the Consumer Product Safety Act (with Frank Goodman), 20 UCLA L. Rev. 899-982 (1973).
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