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Law Library Spaces: Overview

There's a Space for That!

Law Library space serves many uses for our students. Whether the need is a quiet carrel for individual study, a room for group project work, a place to watch a DVD for class, to socialize with a cup of coffee, or just curl up in a comfortable chair with the latest legal thriller, there's a space for that.   

Study Spaces in the Law Library

U.Va. Law Library mapThe third floor has carrels. The second floor has a variety of options, including the Klaus Room, open tables, carrels, and standing desks. The first floor features the open tables of the Caplin Reading room and alcove seating.

What's Your Favorite Kind of Study Space?

What's Your Favorite Kind of Study Space?
Quiet and private, e.g. study carrels: 27 votes (32.93%)
Comfy and cozy, e.g., the Klaus Room, couches: 8 votes (9.76%)
Central, open and airy, e.g., the Caplin Room or near the Reference Desk: 6 votes (7.32%)
With a group of people in Group Study Rooms: 5 votes (6.1%)
Open and bright, but solitary, e.g., along the walls with windows: 29 votes (35.37%)
At a standing desk, like Jefferson!: 6 votes (7.32%)
Another kind of place in the library that's not listed here: 1 votes (1.22%)
There's a kind of library space I like that I can't find here. Let me tell you about it.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 82