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Mindfulness in the Law Library: Resources and Events

Law school teaches you how to think like a lawyer. Mindfulness techniques enhance your law school learning by giving you tools to focus, retain information, communicate effectively, handle stress, and enjoy the present moment.

Upcoming Mindfulness Events


Klaus Room Meditation Space

When it isn't being used for classes and other events, you're welcome to relax, reflect, and study in the space in the Law Library's second floor Collaborative Classroom. It is equipped with meditation cushions and mats generously provided by the UVA Contemplative Sciences Center, and has these comfy chairs. Visit CSC's website for information about mindfulness, meditation, and yoga events at UVA.

Check Out Our Mindfulness Collection in the Library's 1st Floor Klaus Reading Room

Mindfulness in Life, Law School, & Law Practice

What is Mindfulness?

Have you ever arrived at class but cannot remember anything about the walk from your apartment to get there? Or been in a conversation with a friend and suddenly realized you have lost track of what she is talking about? Mindfulness is paying attention to your thoughts, sensations, and feelings in order to engage in the present moment.

What can being mindful do for me?

Mindfulness techniques like meditation, deep listening, mindful eating, and mindful movement can enhance your ability to focus, communicate better with friends and colleagues, and more fully enjoy things.

What does mindfulness have to do with law school and practice?

Attorneys from Washington, D.C. to Washington state gather to meditate and report that mindfulness enhances their interactions with clients and opposing counsel and helps them stay calm in stressful situations. Schools including Georgetown Law, Berkeley Law, and Miami Law have mindfulness workshops, classes, and student groups.

Explore Mindfulness

Free Resources Online…

  • Looking for mindful movement and meditation while you're sheltering in place? UVA Contemplative Science Center is offering free online yoga, mindfulness, and meditation classes May to July 2020. Link to them from this page on CSC's website.
  • UVA Mindfulness Center's website has free audio guided mediations on mindful breathing, compassion, and more, from 5 minutes to 20+ minutes long.