MikeAMorrison, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Consider assigning open access textbooks or resources for your course. Here are some options:
Benefits of Open Access by Danny Kingsley and Sarah Brown, https://oaaustralasia.org/ CC-BY
UVA Libraries support faculty who would like to publish open access resources.
UVA School of Data Science passes Tenure and Promotion guidelines which emphasize open scholarship and science. Creation of these guidelines are made with support from the Library’s Director of Information Policy.
cOAlition S, a European Commission (EC) and European Research Council (ERC) group activates the Plan S project to guarantee Open Access to all EU research publications. “With effect from 2021*, all scholarly publications on the results from research funded by public or private grants provided by national, regional and international research councils and funding bodies, must be published in Open Access Journals, on Open Access Platforms, or made immediately available through Open Access Repositories without embargo.” LINK
May 5, 2021
University of Virgina's Open Access Guidelines are approved via online vote of the full Faculty Senate.
December 2021
UVA Law Library Launches Faculty Scholarship Repository. Built in-house with Open Source tools it does not rely upon Academic publishing behemoths like RELX/Elsevier. All metadata ownership and publishing configuration decisions remain local, under the control of the UVA Law faculty and Library.
UVA Becomes a member of the Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS), a group of 90+ academic institutions promoting Open Scholarship through presentations of institutional best practices in areas of Finance and Policy, (i.e. guides for Provosts and Dean’s Offices) Services (Read: Libraries) and Infrastructure (read: IT and Library Technical/Web Services).
August 25, 2022
White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) issues a memorandum on Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research:
“When research is widely available to other researchers and the public, it can save lives, provide policymakers with the tools to make critical decisions, and drive more equitable outcomes across every sector of society,” said Dr. Alondra Nelson, head of OSTP. “The American people fund tens of billions of dollars of cutting-edge research annually. There should be no delay or barrier between the American public and the returns on their investments in research.
“This policy will likely yield significant benefits on a number of key priorities for the American people, from environmental justice to cancer breakthroughs, and from game-changing clean energy technologies to protecting civil liberties in an automated world.”
October 2022
UVa Law School launches the Center for Empirical Studies in Law.
October 2022
Virginia Law Review is a signatory to the Joint Law Review Statement on Data and Code Transparency. This statement commits VLR and 17 other US Law Reviews to the publication of all data and code used in empirical legal scholarship. Twitter announcement here.
November 4-5, 2022
The 16th annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies is sponsored by UVA Law, the Society for Empirical Legal Studies and the school’s Center for Empirical Studies in Law.
© by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia