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Ben Doherty's Advanced Legal Research: Class Resources

Class Resources

Course text. The recommended course text is Kent C. Olson et al., Legal Research in a Nutshell (West Academic, 15th ed., 2024), available through the bookstore. Although not required, the Nutshell is a good resource not only for this class, but also to have available as you begin your career--for when you have any questions about how to approach a particular legal research project. I still use it in my work. We will not have assigned class readings, but some of the answers to your intro surveys will likely be found in this book.

Class infographics. See the list to the right for links to a variety of infographics on class-specific topics.

Class videos

The Bluebook (21st Edition). We have several reserve copies available that you can ask for at the circulation desk. You can also access the online 21st Edition Bluebook by requesting a license code.

Ask me. I am happy to work with you and answer any questions you have about your class assignments or about legal research in general. Normally, my office door is always open for questions. If you'd like to make sure I'm in my office, just email to set up an appointment. We can also meet by Zoom or you can ask questions through email. If you email me in the evenings or on the weekends, I will respond as soon as I can, though that often will be during the next business day.